What are the most important Google ranking factors? - letsdiskuss
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Trishna Dhanda

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What are the most important Google ranking factors?


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Ranking factors refer to the position of the website in search engines. And the rank depends on several compulsoryfactors which include secure and accessible website, the page speed should be fast, valid URL, the website should bemade in such a way that it can be accessed from mobile also and so on. Google ranking factors mean the rank of aparticular website in google search engine. Google ranks those websites by considering several factors. Now, herecomes a question about how to rank websites. The secrets of ranking depend on the developer. So, google rankingfactors are classified into four groups which include on ­page factors, site factors, off­-page factors, and lastly, domainfactors.


On the page, factors are the most important factor for the site which includes a keyword in the title tag, metatag. The content should be lengthy, simple, and clear, the images in the content should be relatable, there must be akeyword in the URL of the site for the searcher’s convenience. Site factors include a sitemap, the site should be mobile-friendly, the site should be google verified and there should be a high google trust factor which would help to increasethe ranking. Off-­page factors like the number of domains and pages linked to the site, the links should be contentrelated. Lastly, the domain factors are the length of registration of a domain, TLD extension with a country name, andso on. Many people are working harder but still have a question about how to rank our website. So, those are the termsfor ranking.

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Software & Website development Company | Posted on

There are a lot of factors that defines google ranking, thus to rank over SERP, below mentioned points are required.

1.A complete secure Website.
2.Page Speed (Including Mobile Page Speed & Website desktop/laptop)
3.Mobile Friendliness.
4.Domain Age, URL, and Authority.
5.Optimized Content.
6.Technical SEO.
7.User Experience

There are many more factors depending on the on-page and off-page activities, but they varies according to the Website needs and target location.


employee | Posted on

1) Technical Google Ranking Factor

(A) Site and page speed

(b) Usability on Mobile

(c) Internal Links

2) On-Page Ranking Factor

(A) Keyword targeting

(b) Title tag and header tags

(c) Meta Description

(d) Image alt tag

(e) URL structure

(f) Information quality

(3) Off-page ranking factor

(g) Backlinks