What are tips to prevent your car from theft? - letsdiskuss
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Ajay Paswan

Physical Education Trainer | Posted on | others

What are tips to prevent your car from theft?


Working with Maruti Suzuki | Posted on

1. Keep your vehicle locked at all times, even while driving.

2. When parked, never leave your keys in the car. Close all the windows and the sunroof. Never leave your car running and unattended.

3. Avoid leaving valuables inside your vehicle where passersby can see them and do not leave your vehicle title in the car. Too often a car thief is pulled over and gets away from the police because he or she can produce the auto registration.

4. Install an anti-theft system in your vehicle if it doesn’t have one. Thieves are reluctant to steal vehicles if they know the cars can be recovered quickly.

5. Thieves prefer to work in the dark. Be particularly cautious at night about where you park your car. Park it in a well-lit area if possible.

6. Look around. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in garages, parking lots and gas stations. Have your car’s vehicle identification number (VIN) etched on each of the windows. Car thieves want to get off cheap. They don’t want to go to the expense of replacing all the glass.

7. On an incline, leave your car in park or in gear with the wheels turned toward the curb or some other obstruction. This makes it harder for thieves to tow your vehicle.
