What food items could be the cause for your body odor, excessive sweating, armpits odor? - letsdiskuss
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Web Developer | Posted on | Health-beauty

What food items could be the cause for your body odor, excessive sweating, armpits odor?


Student | Posted on

Body odor is defined as the unpleasant smell that occurs when our sweat is broken down into acids by the bacteria that are present on our skin.It’s very common and extremely normal to have this.But,it’s always a discomfort.Also,the cause is variable too.Sometimes,our dieting habits and the food we consume can also lead to it.
1.Vegetables like broccoli,brussel sprouts,etc can produce odor of their own due to high amounts of sulphur present making it more available for the bacterias present.
2.Another sulfur producing food that is meat also works in the same way.Studies have shown,eating red meat affects your sweat.
 sulfur producing food
3.Spicy foods can also trigger production of more sweat.These also are known to contain sulphur components.
These are the main foods that can trigger body odor.
Spicy foods


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Blogger | Posted on

Strong smelling foods like curry, garlic, spicy peppers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and onions can cause a more pungent sweat.
Even alcohol can even have an effect on the smell of your sweat.