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mukesh Prajapat

web development | Posted on | Science-Technology

What is blogging and how can I start my own blog?


Freelance Web Designer | Marketing Strategist | Professional Blogger | WordPress & PHP Programmer | Posted on

Blogging is the best way to share knowledge or thoughts using text on a website/blog. .I have been into blogging for more than 4 years now. If you just want to write/share/express. then things are pretty easy and simple. Follow these steps and you will be done.

1. Choose a platform.

2. Write Away (Start Writing)

3. Promote (Social Media, Ads, etc..)


Blog Strategist | Posted on


Have you ever wondered if you could know certain things, without actually experiencing those yourself?

Like if you want to know that the product you want to buy is good or bad?, or the restaurant you want to dine in is tasty or unhygienic?

If the answer is yes, then you might have already searched for these things online. And the site with loads of articles to help you make your mind by giving the right information are 'Blogs'.

Blogs are a collection of various informative articles and posts that give us a detailed description over a certain topic. 'Blogging' is the art of compiling these blogs, by searching for all the available information and conveying it to the readers.

If you are someone who has a nick of being informative about a certain topic and you want to convey this information to potential readers too, then start your own blog right now.

If you are new in blogging, then go for the free platforms such as WordPress or Blogspot. But if you are fully aware of the task in hand than you should register yourself a nice domain and hosting, setup a basic website on it and you are good to go..

Write and eduacate other in the field of your choice... And earn an ample amount of money too...