What is Google Data Studio & how to make reports on it? - letsdiskuss
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Julia Symbian

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What is Google Data Studio & how to make reports on it?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Google Data Studio is no less than a blessing for the SEOs and marketers. The solution makes it seamlessly easier to present hard and complex data to the clients in the simplest and most interactive form.

Here are a few examples of visual reports from Google Data Studio:

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: YouTube)

google-data-studio-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: GravyTrain)

google-data-studio-analytics-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: MelbyBank)

Don’t they look easy to understand?

To put it broadly, Google Data Studio is a tool that gives you seamless features and facilities to turn your data on Analytics into informational and easily-consumable reports. You can take a chunk of data and convert them into visuals, right from line and bar graphs to chart and chart.

google-data-studio-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: SteffeanPedersen.com)

This makes client reporting/briefing easier for marketing professionals. They can create attractive reports to make clients understand better about how things are and where they are moving.

In addition, these reports can be updated in real-time. And people who are added to view it will get an email notification about it. Much like how things happen with Google Doc. This ensures the clients remain in touch with the performance throughout without having anyone explaining them the data manually.

Now, coming to the part of using Google Data Analytics… it’s fairly simple. Coming from Google, you shouldn’t be expecting anything less than that anyway. It’s interactive, the dashboard is minimal, the navigations are easier, there are many guides to help beginners and experienced professionals alike.

So, everything is right up there on the dashboard when you log in your Google Data Studio. It would take you less than 60 minutes to figure out everything yourself.

You can opt to start creating a report directly. Or, you can select ‘Data Sources’ to connect your report with Google Analytics and other analytic tools.

Here’s an instructional video from Google, explaining how to use Google Data Studio “like a boss”:

If you hated using Excel (who doesn’t!!), this solution from Google will be a complete game-changer for you.