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Shubham Sharma

enterpreneur and mechanical engineer | Posted on | Education

What Is It Like To Study Computer Science At IIT?


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

Studying in IIT itself is larger than life. Irrespective of the subject IIT is the Mecca or Vatican or Kasi for education point of view.

Anytime Computer science is the most preferred branch of engineering . We are in tech savvy world. And the scientists are spending most of their times on AI. For break through development in these niche areas computer science is must.

Computer science is a growing subject day by day. The students of computer science need better computer lab, better network connections, great professors who have deeper knowledge in current developments and innovations in computer science. And the curriculum of IIT is of course the best in India. All these are available in IITs.


According to their own statements, Computer science students in IIT are seen as intelligent people than other streams. May be because of their knowledge in latest gadgets and computers.

Computer science department enjoys the fully air conditioned, state of the art, high speed internet, free printer services, bio metric entry labs. Computer science labs are always flooded not only with computer science students but also with other department students.

Contradicting to general notion, computer science subject is mostly theory based. Less programming is taught in IITs than theories. So after B.Tech or M.Tech intelligent students opt for research and will enroll for Ph.D. Those who are good at programming opt for industry. Computer science department in IIT produces good researchers in academics and good software architects in industry.

So To Study Computer Science At IIT will be like sone par suhaga.