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Founded on 12th April 1992,SEBI stands for Securities & Exchange Board of India.It is the leading security market in India.SEBI runs under the jurisdiction of Ministry of India.With the headquarter based in Mumbai it got its statutory power on 30th January 1992 through the SEBI act.The main function of SEBI is regulating & monitoring the securities market & it always protects the interests of the investors thus applying certain rules & regulations on it.
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SEBI is security exchange board of India. It is a regulatory body established by government in 1992 to regulate the malpractices in security market and protect the interest of investors.
SEBI also regulate the stock market. It defines the code of conduct for brokers , underwriter and intermediaries. It promotes the fair trade practices in stock market.
Many malpractices start taking place like price rigging , delay , violation etc dur to which people losing confidence in stock market. So government established a board sebi to protect this malpractices.
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