What is some of the best meditation music? - letsdiskuss
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Blogger | Posted on | Health-beauty

What is some of the best meditation music?


@student | Posted on

The Sri Vidya Sadhana Immersion is a truly one-of-a-kind master practice. It is your opportunity to be an essential part of the consecration of the Sri Vidya Shrine in Honesdale the first shrine of the Himalayan Tradition to be constructed in the Western hemisphere. At its heart, the Sadhana Immersion is a group practice—and serves as the kickoff for Year Long Meditation, a global group practice we are undertaking to heal collective consciousness in support of the Sri Vidya Shrine’s consecration. Your personal purashcharana (a time-bound, highly structured meditative practice) during this program will be a vital contribution to our efforts as we launch Year Long Meditation. In addition to group meditation, our practice will feature daily havan (sacred fire offerings) and group recitation of Sri Sukta.


Unique study opportunities with Pandit Rajmani Tigunait will further enrich your intense practice. These sessions are designed to help you assimilate the inner dynamism of your purashcharana and its ability to identify and eventually uproot the deep-seated tendencies that hinder your spiritual quest. You will learn how the Sri Vidya Shrine is a perfect replica of the self—and vice versa—and how different aspects of the shrine correspond to the different layers of your psycho-energetic and spiritual self. This knowledge will help you design and undertake advanced practices in the future and will awaken your inner teacher.



Health Expert | Posted on

For Me,Yellow Brick Cinema Reiki Zen Meditation Music 134, it works well.I really like to listen to this one. I like short maybe 1-2 hour relaxation music for meditation.