what is the best morning routine? - letsdiskuss
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Vanisha Anand

CONTENT WRITER | Posted on | Health-beauty

what is the best morning routine?


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Wake Up At YOUR Right Time.

Eliminate Decision-Making Tasks In The Morning.

Create A Morning Routine To Focus Your Mind.

Move Around And Hydrate.

Eat The Frog... Or Tadpoles.


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Everyone follows their own unique morning routine. Some like to do exercises, some like to do morning walks, some like to do prayer or yoga. Starting in the morning decides your whole day routine, by doing exercises, yoga, prayer, medication relaxes your mind and helps to have a healthier mind and a healthy body. It will increase our thinking capability and increase the work ability. We spend the whole day with a happy and healthy mind.


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Every morning routine is tailored to the individual, and not every morning routine will work for you. Some people need coffee in the morning, some need a mantra, some need meditating with their eyes closed. It's all about figuring out what your perfect routine is for you - and then making it happen!

For those of us who like to jump start our days by breaking a sweat before we even think about sitting down at our desk (some do yoga on their way to work), here are some of the best morning routines to get your heart rate pumping before anything else. Running: One hour of running burns around 200 calories and can help you stay fit while also giving your mind a chance to clear.
