What is the customer service phone number for facebook usa? - letsdiskuss
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What is the customer service phone number for facebook usa?


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1-Open the Facebook Help Center webpage. If you aren't already logged into Facebook, you'll need click the Log In button in the top right corner of the page to enter your Facebook email address and password.

Unfortunately, there is no way to directly contact Facebook – you can't call, text, email, or otherwise speak to an employee or affiliate of Facebook. You can, however, use Facebook's Help Center to diagnose and report a problem with your account.

2-Review the options toolbar. This is at the top of the screen, directly beneath the search bar-- you'll need to drag your mouse cursor over each option to view its subsections. Your options include the following:

Using Facebook - This section of the Help Center covers basic Facebook functionality, including how-tos on friending, messaging, and account creation.

Managing Your Account - Covers items such as your login and your profile settings.

Privacy and Safety - Addresses account security, unfriending people, and hacked/fake accounts.

Policies and Reporting - Covers basic reporting (abuse, spam, etc.) as well as handling a deceased person's Facebook account and reporting hacked or fake accounts.

You can also check out the "Questions You May Have" and "Popular Topics" sections on this page, since they cover common issues and complaints.

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3-Select a relevant section. For example, if you're having a problem with an impostor account, you'd select the "Privacy and Safety" section and then click

4-Review additional options. In keeping with the impostor account example, you might click the "How do I report an account that’s pretending to be me?" link. Doing so will bring up a series of steps that explain how to remedy your situation.

For example, Facebook recommends dealing with an impostor account by going to the account's profile page, clicking ..., and clicking Report, then following the on-screen instructions.