What is the difference between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices? - letsdiskuss
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Yash Surve

Student | Posted on | Science-Technology

What is the difference between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices?


Software Developer | Posted on

Bluetooth and Wifi both are used for wireless transmission of data.

However, they still have differences in speed, bandwidth , connectivity of multiple devices and the area they cover.

1. Bluetooth covers less area (apprx 10 m) whereas Wifi covers large areas ( apprx 100 m) .

2. Bluetooth has low bandwidth as compared to wifi.

3. Bluetooth is less secure than Wifi.

4. Bluetooth also consumes less power than Wifi.

5. Bluetooth can support only a limited number of users while Wifi can cater to a larger number of users.

6. Bluetooth is also fairly simple to use and switch in comparison to Wifi.