what is the reason of unemployment? - letsdiskuss
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Vijay Aggarwal

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what is the reason of unemployment?


Student | Posted on

The reason of unemployment appears due to the lack of educational skills as well as we are busy in our academics to increase our theoretical knowledge. This is the basic reason we are lacking behind. As the technology upgrades, we should upgrade our self also to compete with it. It is also caused by high population growth and insufficient rate of economic progress. In the given context, we know that resources are limited and our wants are unlimited and the economy with high unemployment is not utilizing all of the resources, labor etc. It can generate higher output if more people are usefully employed with proper utilization of resources.



Unemployment in a country can be a disastrous circumstance in which the country is titled as underdeveloped because they are unable to generate the right percentage of GDP due to lack of employment in the country.
The main reasons for unemployment are as follows:
1. The caste system
2. The slow economic growth which leads to unemployment.
3. There is a wide gap between the demand and supply of laborers.
4. Immense increase in the rate of population


Student | Posted on

There were many reasons for unemployment. One reason can be the increasing population in our country. In today's time the level of competition is increasing day by day. People are not getting proper jobs, they have to make compromises to earn money so that they can have food to eat and can manage their survival. Unemployment is one of the major and serious issues that people are facing in today's time.