What to bring on a bicycle rider? - letsdiskuss
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What to bring on a bicycle rider?


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It always depends upon 2 things whether you want to travel short distances or longer ones.

Short Distance: ( Withinyour city )

1. Always carry water with you because you have to be hydrated from time to time(Energy drink can be good too but don't make a habit out of it).

2. Wear helmet and wear proper shoes because it will be difficult for you to ride in flip flops or sandals.

3. Carry a mobile with you incase of emergencies.

Long distance : (Outside your city)

1. Always have a bicycle with carrier in the rear end.

2. Carry every thing I mentioned for short distance.

2. Carry a duffle bag in which you can keep 3 to 4 pair of clothes and some eatables like energy bars or instant noodles.

3. Carry identification proof because you will be asked for it.

4. Plan before going out for a ride(Searching for hotels/motels, traffic rules followed by different cities).

5. Always let your loved ones know where you are at the moment so they can search for you if something bad happens(I hope not).

6. Travel safe.