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Marketing Manager | Posted on | Education

Which course should I opt for after 12th?


Teacher | Posted on

This is one question which arises in every student's heart who is about to pass 12th standard. Although it's quite normal to be a bit anxious, nervous, and curious about one's career at this stage, the parental and societal pressure make students ready their career plans even before they pass board exams in peace.


Let's face it now. Not every students is an IIT JEE aspirant and not every students is already waiting for DU's cut off list. The large population of the students who pass 12th every year, in fact, consists of those who are as clueless as you are about their careers.

This year CBSE has finally acknowledged the confusion of such students and has decided to help them.

In this regard, CBSE has released a compendium of more than 100 courses from Science, Commerce, and Arts, along with the institutions providing those courses. Eligibility criteria is also mentioned.

You can access the whole pdf from CBSE's official website,

The list of courses is given below:

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Student | Posted on

Know about your dream course and passion which you have on it, Get to the College do a basic degree which is more than enough now a days, develop your skills over there, Chill out with friends, Bang them like a hell, do only the things which you love the most, Develop your own craze on your dreams, Stay happy forever..

These things are more than enough for a ninteen old Kid… Dont think a lot about your Future my Kid..Will conclude with my favourite quote “Live the Moment”

When I was at U.G Program I had a passion in the field of testing, so i went with the jmeter training in chennai and learnt some niches behind the field of software testing.


Student | Posted on

This is the common question which arises in every student's mind when they complete their intermediate. well, most of us had already decided to do what we want to pursue. but it becomes difficult when you cannot analyze yourself. so, first of do the self-analyzation and then decide which course you can take. in which you would lean anything with great ease. If you are interested in technology then you can pursue as it will be a good course for you to pursue if are techy.


Student | Posted on


When you graduate from school, it’s a life changing moment for you for it is said that you make or break your career at this point.It’s not necessarily that but one obviously has to be overly cautious about the course one is going to take as it is apparently supposed to define one’s life.

It is an essential decision in any adolescent’s life and should be taken after objective thinking and future planning.The course of action should be planned according to one’s interest and only after assessing one’s particular set of skills instead of coming under parental or societal pressure.Afterall,it’s you who has to get up in the morning and get on with the course of action you chose.A lot of options have opened up in recent years in all the sectors and according to me,you should consult a professional to help you choose a course.This will be done after thorough evaluation of your interests,IQ and mindset so this will be the most helpful.
Always keep in mind that though it is an important decision but not a permanent one.Many have switched careers and became successful in both like in the book,’The big switch’ by John Thomas.


blogger | Posted on

You can choose from numerous degree courses after successfully accomplishment of your 12th board according to your interest. Engineering is one of the most opted and preferred curriculum . To get admission in top engineering college, apply for CET, IIT-JEE engineering entrance exam and get qualified.


| Posted on

There are numerous course and domains which you can pursue after 12th like Arts, Commerce, Agriculture, Cs&IT, Humanities, Management, and science. The course which you prefer completely depends on your interest. Like, I had an interest in management course so did my BBA Course from Bihar.

Analyze your interest and then decide which course and domain you want to pursue and make your career. All the best.


Blogger | Posted on

There are some basic requirements to attend career after class 12th. If you have done PCM then its good to opt from various options including and not limited to - Engineering, BCA, Professional courses, Diploma courses etc.

And if you have done PCB (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) then you can go for - Medical courses, Nursing courses, etc. etc.

If you have done Arts then also you have lots of career options - Media, Photographer, painter, social service with NGO, etc.

To find the most suitable career for your future you can refer to this article which will give you complete details as per your eligibility, marks, age, subjects opted etc - Career options after 12th


Instructor | Posted on


I hope you have done you 12th exams very well and looking forward for good results with best marks. :)

Well, you want to opt for a course in which you want to make your future. I am very practical and realistic person so if i say that after doing your 3 years or 4 years course you will get a job in India then I think I am sorry to say that there are very few jobs and every year 6-7 lac students pass out every year and then after spending so many years they go to abroad. So I think you should start preparing your CELPIP Test to to get immigrated to Canada.

Celpip Test is one of the best tests right now. Its especially for Canada if you crack this test then you can immigrate to Canada with your family permanently. And other positive point for this test is that CELPIP is computer oriented test so you will not get nervous or fumbled sitting in front of examiner.

One more important thing to would like to tell you that if you want to know about CELPIP Test you can visit and one more thing you will not get too much material to prepare your test so you can prepare for your test by staying only at home without giving a huge amount of money to the training centres. You will get lots of material to prepare at


@college | Posted on

After completing 12th one gets the chance to develop their career in any field they aspire for. There are many professional courses that one can choose from, the main aspects that can assist one in being decisive on career building include:

  • Pursuing a career in the same field or stream opted for 12th.
  • Appearing for different entrance exams to discover the forte and profession they are good for.
  • Changing their stream and opting for a career in different field of profession.

Depending on these major three options one can decide easily on which course to be chosen.


Software Developer. | Posted on

Ask yourself what you want to do in your life and will never get bored while doing it your whole life with the same dedication and be true to yourself. After knowing what you want search on the internet for the courses or colleges for the respective field. Don't pressure yourself by what your parents want out of you, trust me it never works out. Just whatever your dream is follow it with all your heart and the most important thing is to never give up.