Which important chapter in Indian History never made to school textbooks? - letsdiskuss
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shweta rajput

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Which important chapter in Indian History never made to school textbooks?


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In spite of the fact that our set of experiences course readings have overlooked alot of things, since the hours of provincial standard (due to negationism), the greatest thing that our course books has skipped is story of Vijayanagar domain…

Our Indian history course readings are very Delhi-driven, in light of which they have committed a whole section for Mughal Empire yet not for Vijaynagar Empire which was similarly huge and considerably more prosperous than the Mughal Empire. But since it was in Southern India, our scholastic antiquarians disregarded it.

We as a whole think about this attacker, mass killer and destroyer of sanctuaries

However, we don't think about the individual underneath who spared the Indian culture from Abrahamic attack

( I realize that I ought not utilize the words like attacker and mass homicide for Babur, yet what he did is increasingly more barbarous than these words.)

Rabbit Krishna!
