My first advice would be to AVOID web hosting companies in India. Having first-hand experience, you will face a lot of downtimes. Plus, the performance of their server will be poor, which will affect your website’s loading time and hence its SEO.
(Courtesy: ABLION)
So, instead, you should go for web hosting companies in USA. Sure, it would cost you a slight more. But your website will run smoothly with virtually no downtime.
Now understand, companies like Hostgator, GoDaddy, andBluehost are based out of USA. But they also have dedicated infrastructure located in India. So, when going for any of such web hosts, make sure to ask where your website will be hosted—in India or USA or anywhere else.
Similarly, India-based companies like BigRock, they claim they have servers even outside the country. Now I am not sure if they are being honest. Regardless, if you’re going with them, ensure your website is hosted in a well-developed country where their infrastructure is robust.
All these being said and done, my bet would always be on Hostgator (USA-based server). They are one of the best web hosting companies out there. Great plans; but above all, super-great customer support. Their cPanel and overall interface are user-friendly. Been on the scene for very long and touting a large base of customers, they have a solid infrastructure that you can trust for higher reliability and scalability.
Aside from Hostgator, Bluehost is also in my good grace. I like Namecheap, but I’d always prefer them for domain registration than web host.
Keep away from GoDaddy. While they will lure you with cheap plans and attractive offers, in my experience, among the top names, they are very costly. For every little feature that other web hosting companies offer for free, GoDaddy charges money. So, you’re better off away from them.
In case, if you’re still hell-bound to choose one of the web hosting companies in India, I would advise you for BigRock. They are India’s best. While their server is slow (in lower to middle-end plans), they have an incredible customer support; always helpful.
Hope the answer helps!