Which is your favorite Friends (TV Series) dialogue? - letsdiskuss
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Which is your favorite Friends (TV Series) dialogue?


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Season 9, episode 8: Rachel's Other Sister
Ross: Hey Amy.
Rachel : Oh Amy, you remember Ross.
Amy : Not really. But you are much cuter then that geeky guy she used to date.
Ross : That was me.
Amy : No, he was this creepy guy from high school who had this huge crush on her since like the ninth grade.
Ross : Still me.
Amy : No, I'm not talking about you. (to Rachel) Come on, it was your fat friend's brother with that bad Afro, do you remember?
Ross : Amy, I'm gonna save you some time, ok ? (spins finger around in circle) All me.
Janice and Ross
Janice: (entering) Ross you left you scarf in…(sees everyone.) Hey you guys. (Does the laugh.)
(They all turn and with shocked looks on their faces stare at Ross. Ross is at a loss for words at this moment.)
Janice: Uh-oh-okay. Uh-oh-okay. I know what you all are thinking. But Chandler is in Yemen! I'm a young woman! I have needs! I can't wait forever!
Rachel: Yeah! No that's what I was thinking.
Janice: So I'm asking you please, take a moment before you judge me.
Phoebe: Oh, nobody's judging you. (They all turn and look at Ross.)
Janice: Oh! Okay! (To Ross) You, Mister Right Place at the Right Time, call me! (Does her famous, or is that infamous, laugh and exits.)
(They all turn and glare at Ross.)
Joey: So I guess you finished your book. (smiles at him) Had some time on our hands did we?
Ross: Okay, look, I-I know what you guys are going to say…
Phoebe: You two will have very hairy children.
Ross: Okay, I didn't know you would say that.
