While repairing a computer, have you ever found something illegal on it? - letsdiskuss
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Software engineer at HCL technologies | Posted on | Science-Technology

While repairing a computer, have you ever found something illegal on it?


Blogger | Posted on

Goodness truly, commonly. Customarily too often to check.
I never discovered tyke sex entertainment on a PC, thank heavens. I generally lived in dread of that. I unquestionably have seen a great deal of pornography on individuals' PCs, yet on the off chance that I at any point had a PC with youngster pornography on it, I didn't go over it as an aspect of my responsibilities.
I would state the most bizarre unlawful thing I ran over was in the wake of completing an information recuperation I found a lot of huge, RAW picture documents. Every one was gigantic for a picture of that measure. I opened one and it was an incredibly top notch sweep of a US $1 greenback. I took a gander at the rest and they were all the equivalent. Hundreds of sweeps of $1 greenbacks, all in amazingly high caliber with various sequential numbers. I was confounded. On its essence, it gave off an impression of being for falsifying (for what other reason would you have those pictures), yet who fakes $1 greenbacks? One of the hardest pieces of forging is getting the paper expected to print them and on the off chance that somebody had the paper and the assets to print them, is there any valid reason why they wouldn't print higher categories? Indeed, even an effective fake task wouldn't pay for itself if everything you did was fake $1 greenbacks. I glanced through many the photographs and none of them were for anything more noteworthy than $1. I considered calling law authorization however subsequent to addressing my director, we chose it wasn't vital. Thinking back, I wish I had.