Why abusing is normal these days? - letsdiskuss
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Sanya Chopra

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Why abusing is normal these days?


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An offense is the best defense. When we see our (pseudo) intellect on threat, we almost immediately go on offense.

In fact, it has been well-documented that challenging one's intelligence is a very powerful trigger. This is a result of massive insecurity that we deal with every day.

So, the other person, unless genuinely smart and astute, will imminently respond in either defensive or offensive way. And like I said, today since the offense is considered as the best defense by all literal means, that person will very certainly choose to be offensive. "You're stupid!"

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: The Conversation)

Now, coming to the context of your question, there are many reasons why abusing is normal on social media and even real life.

Earlier, being offensive never meant being abusive. But, today, they both go hand-in-hand. Talking particularly about India, it's a culmination of three factors:

• Political propaganda
• 'Cool culture'
• Caring about others' opinions.

Let me explain…

• At large, the majority of abuses you see on social media and in-person today is the byproduct of political leanings. The Right abuses the Left, the Left goes after the Right. And the Centrists, well, they take heat from both the sides. Either side believes they are right. They think they are entitled to have opinions, and those who aren't agreeing to that opinion are challenging their intellect. This usually ensues war of words, ending up in abuses and physical altercations.

Today, political propaganda, which includes targeted attacks on select individuals is a BIG problem. It's a crisis, in fact, if you look at the situation of those who are receiving such threats. And those abusers, since a part of a large political culture and influence, do not even fear repercussions. Because they know their political leaders would bail them out.

You would be surprised (or not) to know that, in India, political parties actually employ social media users who are tasked to simply attack those who are against their opinions. If they are getting paid to abuse, they would definitely want to do it, don’t you think?! And then, of course, a large part of these fanatics are brainwashed in a rather subtle way. So, to defend their gurus, they don't mind hurling abuses and threats.

• Our society is now shaped by a 'cool culture' where it is believed that abusing and using profanity is cool. It's very evident in the daily media we consume. The songs, they are packed with filthy lyrics.

The comedy sketches, vlogs-- they all contain abuses. The movies, even they have gone down in the gutter. WHY? Because the creator of such contents think the end-audience will eventually like it. And the end audience, on many subconscious levels, thinks that if these actors, personalities, and influencers are using abusive words so frankly, it mustn't be such a bad thing as parents have taught them. This whole situation has created a 'cool culture' where abuse is now normal and cool.

• People are insecure in their heads. And they care a lot about what others think of them than what they really look in their own head. (There's a reason why words like 'integrity' and 'self-honesty' are on the decline.) So, people feel much more compelled to prove themselves. When someone challenges their ideas and beliefs, they treat it as an insult. Because they are insecure. Following, they invest all their energy to "control" others' opinions that ideally satiate their own insecurity.

Unless the others agree to their point-of-view, they would keep on pressing. And this, unsurprisingly, ends up in abuses and even physical assaults.

These are 3 reasons why abusing is so normal today.

And the worst part?

It won’t get better now. The abuses will continue, in-person and on social media platforms. It will become even more common. We already see parents abusing to/in front of their kids.

I swear, it's fu$ked up! ;)