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ashutosh singh

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Why are the mountains in Afghanistan called Hindu-Kush?


teacher | Posted on

The reasion behind The beginning of the expression "Hindu Kush" (and whether it interprets as "Hindu Killer") is a state of conflict. The most punctual known utilization of this name was by the renowned Arab voyager, Ibn Battūta c. 1334, who expressed: "Another purpose behind our stop was dread of the day off, out and about there is a mountain called Hindūkūsh, which signifies "Slayer of Hindus," in light of the fact that the ***** young men and young ladies who are brought from Hind (India) pass on there in huge numbers because of the outrageous cold and the amount of day off."

There are other people who believe this source to be a "society historical underpinnings", and set forward substitute opportunities for its starting point: that the name is a defilement of "Caucasus Indicus." In current Persian, "Kush" is gotten from the action word Kushtan - to destruction, slaughter, or repress. This could be deciphered as a remembrance to the Indian prisoners who died in the mountains while being shipped to Central Asian ***** markets.

That the name alludes to the last extraordinary 'executioner' mountains to cross while moving between the Afghan level and the Indian subcontinent, named after the cost it took on anybody crossing them; that the name is a debasement of Hindu Koh, from the (advanced) Persian word Kuh, which means mountain. Rennell, writing in 1793, alludes to the reach as the "Hindoo-Kho or Hindoo-Kush";

that the name implies Mountains of India or Mountains of the Indus (see stream Indus, the biggest waterway in Pakistan) in a portion of the Iranian dialects that are as yet spoken in the district; that besides, numerous pinnacles, mountains, and related spots in the area have "Kosh" or "Kush" in their names.

that the name is a placed Avestan designation signifying "water mountains."

Hindu initially alluded to any occupant of the Indian subcontinent (Hindustan), or Hind, instead of to devotees of Hinduism as it does now. Around then occupants of India were generally Hindu or Buddhist.


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