Why Delhi Air Quality Slightly Improves,? - letsdiskuss
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Md Hasan

Content producer at YourVoice | Posted on | Science-Technology

Why Delhi Air Quality Slightly Improves,?


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

Letsdiskuss Surprising after Diwali celebrations Delhi's air quality improved slightly. The air quality in our national capital is moderately improved and it brought down the level of pollution from 'hazardous' to 'very poor' level. But there is no improvement in smog and haze vision. The thick blanket of polluted cloud is there as always . The air quality index shows 339 on Sunday reduced 1 point from 400 on Saturday. But as the weather is not favourable, the air quality is not likely to improve further. It was 347 at Mathura road and 320 at airport terminal.

The reason for this slight improvement is due to reduction of crop residue burning in neighbouring states like Haryana, Punjab, UP. During the harvest season , burning of the fields is the main reason for poor air quality in Delhi. This year there is considerable reduction in the practice, which is good for Delhi residents.

Air contamination is a major concern for not only Delhi but to the whole world. Apart from respiratory illness it may cause unknown diseases as it will lead to reduction of oxygen level in our body. Children will be the victim of this dangerous situation.

Parents are concerned about their children in Delhi as the school reopened after holidays. Every school is not having air purifier. Due to winter the dispersion of pollution will be slow. Which will in turn increase the pollution level. The best the people of Delhi can do is to wear air mask whenever they go out.