Why did Jerry Seinfeld quit after 9th season of Seinfeld? - letsdiskuss
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Why did Jerry Seinfeld quit after 9th season of Seinfeld?


CEO & Founder at aaokhaao.com | Posted on

Jerry is shrewd. His show was a champion. Its one of only a handful couple of American comedies that I discovered entertaining with my UK comical inclination. You could tell towards the end he was coming up short on material and energy. He chose it was smarter to go out in style, while he was on top. That was a brilliant decision.

Take a gander at what number of different craftsmen, offer out and milk their establishment to the last cent. Their last works are frequently weak and leave a sharp preference for your mouth, once in a while eradictaing all the diligent work they did when they were large and in charge. Seinfeld did it right. He didnt sell out. I was inspired.