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Founder & CEO at AERO2ASTRO | Posted on | Science-Technology

Why do we have a shape to wing?


Blogger | Posted on

Usually wings are designed in a different varieties based on the where it is used. Every wing design will not have the same functionality. Each and every design is unique and hence designed to serve the particular purpose. When it comes to wings, the first thing that comes to our mind is the airplane wings. The Airplane wings are designed in a way to make the air move faster over the wings which creates less pressure on the top of the wing than at the bottom of the wing. This difference in pressure creates a force which lifts the wing up in the air.


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In the Airplanes, mainly there are some types of wings are used. The low wing which is mounted below the fuselage. Mid wing, which is exactly mounted at the halfway and the high wing which is mounted above the fuselage. Apart from these three, there are couple more called shoulder wing and parasol wing which is mounted upper part (shoulder) of the fuselage and Parasol which is clearly above the shoulder of the plane. Thus based on the purpose, different kinds of wings are used to make the planes fly in different ranges.