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Roy Sumit

Blogger | Posted on | Entertainment

Why Indians stayed away from festival shopping this year?


Student (B.A(h) Philosophy, Content writer(Fashion and beauty) | Posted on

Since last few years, online business has grown so drastically in a big way with heavy discounts or those sales gave affected ,in short they are vulnerable and destroys the domestic retail market to a great extent. The confederation of all India traders issued a statement after the festival season that consumers should stay away from festival shopping this particular year to the disappointment of the trading community.

The reasons behind people staying out of shopping area this season are lack of cash in the pockets because of faded economy, money is stuck into real estate and gold ,they are not able to convert asset into liquid cash.

Also, these online brands are offering heavy discounts, and products with lowest price guarantee which has affected the market so drastically and influenced the customer in an other way.

There is lack of competition between offline traders and online marketers ,Government should start some portal where offline marketers can also sale the product with good margins.

There is big logic behind online shopping, is lifestyle of people ,though after navratri shopping season used to be the heap but this time it was not the same. Traders actually survive rest of the year for sales in festive season.

Letsdiskuss Why Indians stayed away from festival shopping this year?