True friends is a treasure you earn in the course of your lifetime, and once earned, they are never to be lost. And more often than not, our school friends prove to be that treasure of life. We meet people and make acquaintances at every stage of life, but the ones made in schools are loved and revered the most because of various different reasons.
While in school, we are at a very tender age and are easily shaped. Also, we accept everything easily at that age, and hence the friends made at this age are made in innocence, without keeping in mind any personal advantage or any such thing. Therefore in most of the cases, it’s one of your school friends who later become your best friend.

And it is because, after this kind of acceptance, it only needs love and lots of love with which this relationship is nurtured over time, and by the time we finally step out in the real world, we thank our school friends to be beside us when everyone else around is just seeking their own interest while befriending us. Your school friend becomes the best person you know, and no matter how seldom you meet and how little time you give to each other, you know it in the heart that there is someone who has got your back in thick and thin.

Some reasons which prove that the friends made in school are the best of all are here.
1. They are the only people with whom you can be yourself without being judged.

They have known you right from your childhood and have witnessed your growing up, just like you have witnessed theirs. So there is nothing which is hidden, and hence you are your truest self when with your school-made best friends. You know them inside out and vice versa.
2. They are almost like your family

Right from school time, you have spent so much time with each other that they have become a second family for you. Be it any problem, they come to your mind even before your real family.
3. The people you have made mistakes with are bound to be special.

They have not just been your partner-in-crime since your little science lab explosion days, but they are the ones who have seen everything, from you, dating the wrong persons to you contemplating to leave your home. Chances are, there are some blunders they have committed along with you. So they are as special as your siblings.
4. There are the most selfless people in your life.

After your parents, of course. But your school friends, who end up with you even after high school and college, love you so much that they always keep you before themselves.
5. You share loads and loads of inside jokes with you.

Call it experiences you have had with each other, or the result of all your quality times and blunders, it all sums up to a great collection of inside jokes.