Why you should eat curd daily? - letsdiskuss
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Sumil Yadav

| Posted on | Health-beauty

Why you should eat curd daily?


Retired CEO of a software company | Posted on

1.Curd also contains good amount of probiotic, which normalizes intestine flora & helps in production of B-complex.

2. Fresh curd reduces the acidity, i.e. useful in ulcers & hyper acidity.


Company secretary,MBA | Posted on

Curd which is also known as dahi has a number of nutritional and health benefits.

  1. Eating curd everyday helps in improving digestion and works best for the upset stomach.
  2. Curd is high in calcium and a good source of protein; it is boon for those people who are lactose intolerant.
  3. When you start eating curd daily, it improves your immunity and works as an energy booster. During summer, it hydrates your body and keep it cool and calm.
  4. It contains proteins with magnesium and helps in controlling the blood pressure. As curd is rich in calcium and phosphorous it makes the bones and teeth stronger.
  5. It is healthy for heart.
  6. It is great for hair and skin, when you apply curd to your hair it will work as a natural conditioner. Having one cup of curd everyday will keep your hair shiny and prevents dandruff.
  7. Flavoured curd can be a mood lifter for you, and may help you deal with your low mood.
  8. Research have proved that it helps in losing weight.
  9. Apart from the above benefits of curd, a bowl of fresh curd can also be helpful in your hangover and provide you relief.
Note: Homemade curd is always healthier than the packet one.
