5 Yoga asanas that help in boosting your immune system - letsdiskuss
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shruti arya

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5 Yoga asanas that help in boosting your immune system


blogger | Posted on

Yoga is great for countless reasons like stress relief, mobility, tension, flexibility, spiritual connection and connection to our body and soul. Ultimately, we count and prefer yoga for resilience both inside and outside the body.

Yoga is an amazing practice and helps in boosting the immune system, yoga releases stress which helps in the reduction of overall inflammation, which means your body will work properly and defend itself from various bacteria and virus.
Here are some asanas which will help in boosting your immune system.
1. Supta virasana
This asana helps in curing cold, congestion and seasonal flu. It is extremely beneficial to boost your immune system and protect it from various bacteria’s and virus. Put a folded blanket on top of a cushion, sit between your heels with the cushion behind your tailbone. Lie back on the cushion resting your head on the blanket. Don’t forget to turn your palms up and stay there for 10-15 breaths.
2. Urdhava Hastasana
Slowly come to standing position, bring your feet hip-width apart. Interlace your fingers and extend your arms all the way up. Lift your heels while maintaining a balance. After 5 breaths lower your heels and arms.
3. Prasarita Padottanasana
Slowly sit up and stand up keeping your feet 4 feet apart. Interlace your fingers behind your back and straighten your arms. Fold your arms in forward direction and stay there for 5-10 breaths.
4. Uttanasana
Stand with on your feet and keep your hip width apart, bend down forward from your hips and place your hands on the floor. Divide the weight equally on your feet, extend up with help of your sitting bones and down through your crown.
5. Plank pose
Hop your feet on the back, in a plank pose. Align your hands directly under your shoulder and spread your fingers wide. Firm your thighs and slowly bring your belly toward your spine to engage the core.


Doctor | Posted on

Yes, Yoga asanas your immune system, mental tense , you will be relive etc.
