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Vicky Taneja

blogger | Posted on | Astrology

Can we trust astrology and horoscope?


Acharya in Vedic Astrology | Posted on

Yes ofcourse, we can trust on astrology and horoscope. There are different kinds of astrology present in this time. In astrology a astrologer predicts our future on the basis of deep analysis of our birth-chart and the planetary transits occurring in the horoscopes.


Astrologer,Shiv shakti Jyotish Kendra | Posted on

Your trust on astrology and horoscope depends on nothing but our faith. It is like believing in God. Some do that and some don’t depending on their faith and understanding. That’s why human nature is said to be so diverse. This however doesn’t mean that only those who believe in God, believe in astrology. There are many who call themselves atheist but rest their belief in the consequences of movements of extraterrestrial bodies in space.


Also read: Is astrology true? Should we believe in it or not?

Astrology can’t predict everything about one’s life but it can solve many of the life’s problems. It works on the principle of the movement of stars and other heavenly bodies affecting our fortune and life right from our birth.

According to trends, most people these days believe at least in palmistry and the lines of palm, even if they don’t believe in horoscope reading. Palmistry also, is a branch of astrology.

Many people take the readings and interpretations of horoscope as absolute, and this leads to their disbelief in it later in their life. We need to understand that even astrology and horoscope reading is based on concrete explanations and calculations which are as rational as any other branch of science. So if an astrologer has told you that there is wealth in your fortune, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to work at all.

It is just like you take God will always take care of us literally and stop helping yourself. So it entirely depends on your faith, belief, and above all rationality and practicality, how astrology and horoscope work for you.

Translated from Hindi


Online Marketer | Posted on

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Blogger | Posted on

Answer to this question is completely depends on your faith. If you're having trust in science then you must believe in astrology or horoscope.

These are the terms that help any person in their future prediction. These future predictions may be for your business-related problems, love problems, marriage problems and many other stages of your life.

There are many techniques in astrology which is used to overcome the problems. These techniques are different kinds based on the type of problems like any kind of hawan, puja, mantra, types of black magic or Kala Jadu or can be resolved with your kundali, the position of your stars and planets in your birth chart.


| Posted on

Astrology is a science too, Lord Shiva gave this knowledge to godess Parvati then to saptrishis. It's a analysis of effects of planets and stars upon us. You may have seen how ocean tide on full moon makes waves unsteady, the same way all the planets and stars effects our inner and outer self.