Despite hockey is our national game why it-s less popular amoung the children? - letsdiskuss
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rajat visual

Blogger | Posted on | Sports

Despite hockey is our national game why it-s less popular amoung the children?


student in journalism | Posted on

Hockey is India's national sport but cricket is more popular in this country and this has been the situation for many years. There are various reasons became of which cricket has received such a huge exposure in our country and not hockey. Why? First of all, cricket has been praised and covered by our national media in a brilliant manner. Every single game of cricket, be it national or international, is broadcasted throughout the country. So people get more opportunity to watch this sport more than hockey. Since cricket is a long game and takes hours to complete, media houses also generate more money by showing advertisements throughout the day.


Many Indians love cricket since childhood and that is why people are more inclined towards the game. It has been passed from generation to generation actually. Hockey is a more intensive game and requires more strength and stamina in a short span of time. This task can get difficult for many people and so they tend to play a game which is less extensive and physical not exhausting. Therefore you can understand that why Cricket has grown more popular in India and not hockey.