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sabares waran

@letsuser | Posted on | Science-Technology

Do we need ecommerce for data management?


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.” -Sherlock Holmes

Information is wealth now a days. And data brings us information. Whether it is related to consumer behavior, consumer's interests, consumer's need, consumer's monetary position ... everything is data.

Every business needs to do survey before investing. In yesteryears, it was difficult to understand the trend of the current generation in all the trade.

Thanks to the internet and the site's cache and cookies, it is difficult to do anything online without letting it to be known by Google. And with the help of SERP, anybody can guess the current trend.

Data can be obtained from a reliable source like Google or from social media posts, likes and comments. The success of business depends upon the way the eCommerce sites turns the data into monetary benefit.

• Data management is must for eCommerce. We need data management to understand the supply and demand of any product. If the eCommerce people identify the customer's choice well in advance, they can increase the availability of the products.

• Governing of data is also essential in eCommerce. E commerce sites should have well developed data management people to differentiate the authenticity of data.

• By collecting social media comments, the eCommerce sites can understand the problems facing by customers. And they can eliminate the problem creating products or things or services from their sites.

Yes, we definitely need data management in eCommerce, if we want our business to be successful.
