how can we keep our self healthy ? - letsdiskuss
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Rabia siraj

student | Posted on | Health-beauty

how can we keep our self healthy ?


| Posted on

If you want a healthy body here are some tips:

  1. Eat healthily
  2. Get regular exercise
  3. Lose weight if you’re overweight
  4. Protect your skin
  5. Don’t smoke or use tobacco.


Blogger | Posted on

Make a proper routine

Follow diet

Do exercise

Eat healthy food.


Programmer | Posted on

Keeping healthy is important for all of us. Sometimes we can keep our bodies healthy by doing very easy things or changing our habits slightly.

1- Be friends with sunlight

2. Eat probiotic foods

3- Eat dinner early

Get enough sleep at night

5. Pay attention to your corners


student | Posted on

Hey, it's a great think that you are concerned about your Health.

I will discuss some useful points to support a Healthy Life:

  • Always track your body weight and check your BMI, if you are overweight then focus initially on not gaining any more weight and when you are ready, try to cut some extra pounds to maintain Healthy life.
  • Make a routine to do at least 30 mins of physical exercise like Running, walking, gym, yoga etc to keep your Body fit and Healthy.
  • consuming items like cigarette, liquor or tobacco will leads to a serious Health issue so don't get addicted to it.
  • Eat a Healthy diet which includes Fruits, Vegetables and whole grains. Reduce the intake of fatty foods specially which contains bad fat(saturated and Trans fat).