how is the diagnosis of hypertension made? - letsdiskuss
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gadiya swamy

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how is the diagnosis of hypertension made?


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It is important to gauge your circulatory strain at various occasions, while you are resting easily for at any rate five minutes. To make the conclusion of hypertension, at any rate three readings that are raised are generally required.


CHIEF EXECUTIVE, Creativekart, Experienced writer, blogger | Posted on

To diagnose hypertension, the doctor generally performs a thorough physical examination and checks the person’s medical history. He will assess the risk factors whether the person smokes, is overweight or have high cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

He will measure the blood pressure either in a sphygmomanometer or an electronic device. A reading of 120/80 mm Hg or below is considered normal. Blood pressure ranging between 120-129 /80 mm Hg is considered elevated and any number above this can indicate hypertension.

Blood pressure fluctuates widely depending on a number of physical and emotional factors. Age, activity and medications also cause a variation in blood pressure. Therefore, a single high reading cannot indicate hypertension.

For that, blood pressure should be measured at different times of the day while the person is at rest at least for 5 minutes. A final diagnosis of hypertension can be made if at least 3 elevated readings are recorded.


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In the event that you have any sort of hypertension, your ***** will survey your clinical history and direct a physical assessment. Your ***** may likewise suggest routine tests, for example, a ***** test (urinalysis), blood tests, a cholesterol test and an electrocardiogram — a test that gauges your heart's electrical action.