how many types of network in networking? - letsdiskuss
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Kamlesh Joshi

network engineer and ethical hacker | Posted on | Science-Technology

how many types of network in networking?


Software engineer at HCL technologies | Posted on

Before knowing about the types of networks, it is necessary to know what is network. When two and more computers are connected together, the medium which is used to connect them is called network.

Now coming to your question, there are five types of network in networking.

1. PAN (Personal Area Network)


The range of this type of network is very small. PAN is usually used within a home, and that’s why it is known as Personal Area Network. With a PAN network operating in a building, one can connect the computers of that building with each other and other gadgets like mobile phones and tablets can also be connected through it.

2. HAN (Home Area Network)


Several people using the same network to connect multiple devices with a computer is known as Home Area Network or HAN. Previously connected through modem or wire, now a days this is done with Wi-Fi.

3. LAN (Local Area Network)


This provides you with networking options within a local area. Schools, offices, airports, etc., use LAN. The protocol used for LAN is known as Ethernet.

4. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)


With LAN, you can connect only two or more computers with each other, but with MAN, more computers can be connected. MAN is connected with high speed fiber optic wires through switches and hubs. MAN is greater than LAN but smaller than WAN.

5. WAN (Wide Area Network)


WAN is used for very big areas. Leased line connection is used to connect computers through WAN. Leased line is a telephone line which connects computer with ISP server.