Blogger(home improvement) | Posted on | others
Student (Delhi University) | Posted on
Diwali is just around the corner and all of us are eager to get done with Diwali Safai so that we can get to the most exciting part as soon as possible! Yes, I’m talking about nothing else than the Diwali decoration.
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Blogger | Posted on
There are certain things by which your home will look beautiful on the diwali festival. play with your imagination and crativity to decore your house.Firslty your home should be sparkling clean to invite the goddess Lakshmi.Next important thing you shoild de-clutter entire house.
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With Diwali round the corner, everybody is brainstorming for creative and new ideas to decorate their rooms and houses to celebrate Diwali. After the tiresome and boring work of cleaning our home for Diwali, the best part begins, decorating our houses for Diwali.
There is an innumerable number of ideas to decorate our rooms, thus it is possible to get confused about what should be done and whatnot.
Below, I'm putting up some of my favorite decorative ideas for you to look at.
Diwali Lanterns has become the tradition these days. It is made out of wood or paper or cardboard and many other things. But the most common Diwali Kantern ideas are Paper Lanterns. These are the most common and economical ideas. Look below for some inspiration.
For some more ideas, Read Top 9 Diwali Lantern Ideas.
2. Rangoli
Rangoli plays a very important role in our lives and especially when it comes to Hindus. Rangoli is a creation of colored powder filled in a very creative design to add colors to our homes. it is believed that Rangoli adds colors to our lives and is the symbol of evergreen lives. Look below for some inspiration
3. Bottles and Jars
What to do with waste bottles and Jars? Just throw them away? Wait, I have a much better option for you. You can reuse them and put them up as a Decorative item. All you need to do is to fill them up with some LED lights and place them in some dark corner and switch them up. It will look amazing.
For some more decoration ideas, visit Diwali Decorations.
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Manager | Posted on
In the festival of Diwali, people decorate their houses with idols and statues of the Deities. However, the most important God's statues to worship at Diwali Festival is Lord Ganesha. Laxmi Ganesha puja is the most important ritual in the Diwali holiday. Try bringing luck and prosperity to your home by purchasing a Lord Ganesha fountain from online decor stores. It is used for Sadhna and fulfills all your wishes.
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STUDENT | Posted on
Hi everyone.
Diwali is the festival of lights .you can also decor your home,offices and other things with Fybros lighting.this is the best lighting in Delhi and Pan India.
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@letsuser | Posted on
There are certain things by which your home will look beautiful on the diwali festival. play with your imagination and crativity to decore your house.Firslty your home should be sparkling clean to invite the goddess Lakshmi.Next important thing you shoild de-clutter entire house.
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