How to make Maggie? - letsdiskuss
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Hardik Pandya

Student | Posted on | food-cooking

How to make Maggie?


Student | Posted on

Maggie is the easiest food to make and most yummy to eat. Maggie is my all time favourute food i can eat maggie at any time of the day.I like maggie which is very plain and easy to make the receipe of my maggie is first to boil water in a pan add some veggies in it could be any veggie like carrot, capsicum,green peas these are my three main veggie after adding vegetables pinch some salt and drop Maggie noodles and masala in it and wait for 3to 4 minutes after waiting your tasty and easy maggie is ready to eat.


Also Read :- how to cook maggie?


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Maggie is the easiest snacks to make.

If you are tired and want evening snacks than Maggie is the delicious and fastest snack to make.

You can make different types of Maggie like simple Maggie, vegetable Maggie, cheese maggii and many more.

Today I am share recipe of the Maggie which I make.

1. Boil water in a pan and when the water boils add Maggie to it.

After that chop some vegetables like onion , tamotoe , capsicum, green chillies , peas.

Then take another pan add butti to it and then add chopped vegetables to it now add garlic paste, red chili powder , black chilli powder to it.

Now add boiled maggir and peas to the masala and then mix well and cook for 1-2 min.

After that transfer the serving to the bowl and enjoy.Letsdiskuss