enterpreneur and mechanical engineer | Posted on | Education
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B.tech is so popular in India that we are currently world leaders in the creation of spices, curruption, and engineers. There are thousands, if not lakhs, of engineering colleges in India. And there are more than a million engineering students in these colleges. So yes, you do need some tips to survive in this battle of engineering and to guide yourself out there in the industry.
Please note that these are my personal opinions. Some people may not agree with my words of wisdom but as an engineer, i will try to help you with everything i know.
So, for a final year student who want to be successful academically, i have a serious of tips you should follow, these are:
A. Focus on the practical academics rather than studying only theory.
B. Don't let your marks demotivate you as you are always better than you think of yourself.
C. Never try to cram your way to success. Absorb what you are studying for the rest of your life.
D. As it os your final year, it is important to change your habits. Start searching for the trending topics in your industry.
E. Start learning these topics as they will help you land in a far better job than regular mass placement.
F. Go through all the subjects you previously studied. No matter how absurd it may sound, it is the only way way to help yourself in future.
And the very last thing you have to do is to relax. As a final year student, you have already seen most of your time as a student. So, you really do know everything. You just need something to guide you through. I hope my answer will become the guiding light for your bright future.
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