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Ravi seo

@letsuser | Posted on | Education

Is education the key to a successful future??


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I believe education is a must. Not to become successful but to gain knowledge about everything and about the world. Where you will be compatible standing higher with the world. Success doesn't only depend upon the knowledge, your determination, your goal, and your passion under you to achieve that goal. There is no certain definition of success. Success just depends on your thoughts and your goal.

Also read this:- Is education system responsible for unemployment


creative writer/ poet | Posted on

Education is really very important in life for all of us but at the same time, it cannot alone be a surety of successful future and a happy life ahead.

First of all let us discuss, what is success and how it can defined? Success is a very huge and vast term and its meaning can differ from every single individual to another. Success for a student can be achieving top grades in school, college or university. Success for a business man can be achieving turnover in crores. Success for a salaried person can be a promotion. Success for an old couple can be spending good retirement days with their children. Success for a housewife can be the love of her family and in laws. Success has varied identification.


For achieving success in such varied perspectives, it would be incorrect to say that education alone is enough for a successful future. Most important in this is knowledge of our own self. First of all, we have to find out what is our definition of success. Then we have to discover the path of our success and walk on it without any deviation with hard work and dedication. This process will surely lead to a successful future.

I personally want to add on that success is not a destination, it is a journey. Where ever we are today in the present, we were not here past five years. So whatever we have with us now is also a part of success. It is not necessary to search success in future. Future remains future forever. Success is what you have now at present. Live it, enjoy it, adore it, feel proud and be motivated to achieve the next. Always be on the journey of success and keep smiling.


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Many would disagree with it but we’re living in a time when education has never been this irrelevant.

No, education is NOT the key to a successful future (or a happier life). Period.

But let’s get this clear. I am talking about “formal education”— the kind of education…

• on which we spend lacs annually.
• that has become a full-fledged business.
• where tuition fee is more than one’s income.
• that forces us the bookish knowledge.
• which doesn’t teach about life, how to be a better person and how to be happy

Let’s define it further.

I believe, even when teaching things that matter less to most of us (how many of us use calculus in our lives right now?), education till higher secondary is important.

It teaches students to read, learn, to be disciplined, to adapt to a social life, to be analytical and delivers various other benefits. Although the curriculum of the entire school education – in our country or any other – needs to be redefined altogether, that’s a different topic altogether.

Till high school, it makes sense for every to go for formal education. However, beyond that, comes the problem.
We’re living in an age of the internet. It’s baffling that so many people do not understand the seamless power that the internet brings in your hand. When the education system was coming into being, the people behind it never anticipated the existence of the internet. The colleges, institutes, and universities, back in the days, were the sole source of information and learning. That’s not the case today!!!!

On the internet, you can virtually learn anything and everything. You can gain any skill and knowledge. With little effort and a lot of learning, you can become anything. Literally.

Want to know how computers are made? There are videos. Want to know how to create a machine that does your household chores? There are resources. Want to make an AI-based software? There are articles.

In this day and age, information – the reliable one at that – is in abundance. Colleges and higher education institutes do not hold the prerogative over knowledge anymore. And for me, this is one of the greatest things about being alive today.

So, unless you want to become something that requires formal qualification, like a doctor, you have no reason to pursue education beyond your school. You have no reason to pursue “formal education”.

Leveraging internet and informal interactions, you can learn more, be more productive and acquire real skills than you would be sitting in a large classroom, looking at the instructor, with no clue about what you’re going to do with your life. You are basically wasting your time and money.

Formal education is not important for a successful future.

Informal education is the key. What you learn on the internet, from your interaction with other people and from your own experience—these are important more than anything else. It all comes down to how much you’re willing to learn and hold yourself accountable for your knowledge and skills.

Besides, if you look success in the context of happiness, formal education becomes even more irrelevant. It’s cliched, I get it—but success is all about being happy. If you’re happy, you’re a success, irrespective of what you’re doing, whether it’s running a small shop or flying a jet.

Informal education is everything today.

And I believe this very firmly.


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Yes, education is a key to a successful future but success does not depend only on education. Yes, learning is important, one should never stop learning.


digital marketing | Posted on

Education could be a method of importation information and skills so we are able to get an acceptable job and make a successful career. However, after we see a lot of school dropouts making successful ventures, we debate whether or not education very helps in making a good career and is that the key to successful future.

Education makes us aware of information, skills and ethics that help us to find out and grow. while not education we are able to not read or write and therefore we might lack the fundamental necessity for being successful.Every individual is born with a collection of skills that useless if not guided properly. Learning in schools and colleges help us to stay up with the skilled competitive world. Education not only makes people regarding the world however additionally about our strengths and weaknesses which can eventually help us to make a successful career.


Founder & CEO at AERO2ASTRO | Posted on

Truly, instruction is the way to progress: Education makes us mindful of information, abilities, morals that has been there on the planet which we learn as it causes us to advance and grows further. ... Most likely that to be effective difficult work is should yet without instruction, it won't yield any outcomes.


student | Posted on

Yes of course. Education is the right way to be successful. It's not like that you can't be successful without education. But if you get the right education, you will be more successful and in the right way.

You can become a Lawyer, Doctor, IAS, Pilot and what not. Just bless yourself with the right education and hard work and you can achieve whatever you want.

I wish you all good luck for achieving your dreams :)

Hard work and Hustle and Boom ♥♥