@Professor, Content writer, News writer | Posted on
Nicotine which is considered to be a drug is not at all good for your brain. The reason is , it causes changes in the functioning of the brain that can lead to health problems, can cause addiction,and cognitive impairment. The more you increase the intake of nicotine the more are the chances of you getting addicted and causing brain related issues which includes temporary alertness, shortness of breath and many more.
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Nicotine influences the brain in complex ways. Nicotine temporarily enhances thinking abilities such as attention, memory, and concentration by releasing chemicals in the brain, including dopamine and acetylcholine. This explains why some individuals feel more alert and concentrated following nicotine use.
Nicotine is not without its negative consequences. Nicotine is very addictive and can lead to permanent changes in the way the brain functions, particularly in youth whose brains are still developing. Long-term nicotine use is associated with an increased risk of mood disorders, lowered thinking abilities, and addiction.
Overall, nicotine may enhance thinking in the short term, but its potential for addiction and possible long-term damage is worse.
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