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pradeep Choudhary

PG in nursing. | Posted on | Education

What can I do after bsc nursing?


Student (B.A(h) Philosophy, Content writer(Fashion and beauty) | Posted on

Now a days the number of students who are passing out BSc nursing is more than that of GNM Nurses. So its time to think. What they can do with their BSc Nursing degree? What all career fields they can opt after BSc Nursing? Is it the end or beginning? Most of us are fed up with BSc Nursing itself and are not interested in learning it any more. So the question is what all are the options infront of a BSc Nurse?

The scope of MSc Nursing has diminished in India owing to the rapidly increasing no of Post Graduates from numerous colleges in India. The newly passed out MSc Nurses are ready to work as a staff nurse or as a teacher with staff nurse salary.

Lets see some of the options,

  • MHA – Master of Health Administration/ Master of Hospital Administration Both these courses are available at Tata Institute of Social Sciences – TISS, Mumbai Campus.
  • MPH – Master of Public Health Many national institutes like Sree Chitra (SCTIMST) Trivandrum, PGIMER – Chandigarh, AIIMS – New Delhi etc conducts MPH course, but SCTIMST and National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) only allows nurses to pursue MPH after their graduation.
  • MBA – Hospital Administration MBA in Hospital Administration – Regular full time 2 year Course in prestigious institutes like IIM Calicut will surely render nice job opportunities after completion of programme.
  • MSW – Master of Social Work ,If you are planning to do IELTS and leave to European Countries, US or Australia, MSW in Medicine and Psychiatry is a good option for nurses after their graduation particularly for those who likes to work in European countries or US.Letsdiskuss


PG in nursing. | Posted on

Basic reaserch- after UG and PG go for PhD. You can contribute towards the growth of science.

Training- Join team of ACLS,BLS,PALS rescuer team of AIIMS or any other hospital and organisation,get certified in this.
Post graduation:-Msc.nursing with cardiology , psychiatry, neurology, pharmacology,paediatrics,etc.

Work as RN/RM in any hospital either in government hospital or private one.

Do brain drain….. means crack NCLEX and ILETS exam and continue ur dream job in foreign countries..

Entrepreneur:- You can join start up and start your own company.An MBA from a reputed Institute will be an asset.

Apply for any government job irrespective of this field like IAS ,Bank PO,clerk,etc…

Armed forces:- JOIN ARMY, MNS( military nursing services) become a nursing officer a gentleman and a Women and have a privilege of serving your country.

Politics:- If u want to change the society,this is a job for u.

Civil services:- NURSING teaches u patience,hardwork and handling stressful situation.There is a need for more nurses and doctors.the qualities u picked up during ur training will be valuable in civil services.

Coaching centers:- This is a big business.Students can join coaching for NCLEX and IELTS.You need to be good speaker and teacher.

Creative Arts:- You can be writer,painter,dancer, musician….

Non government organization (NGOs):- Fight for the people for sanitation, tuberculosis,HIV. Work with Red Cross…

Journalism and publication with new thesis….

Event manager for the seminars conducted by tertiary hospitals…
Medical advisor
You can do side by side business as property dealer and stock marketing….

new course is going to be started i.e. Practitioner Nurse ( u can able to do clinical procedure and write prescription as well)