What do you see on the map of India? - letsdiskuss
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What do you see on the map of India?


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The map is very important for any country and its people. Although it is used to get geographical information from various places, people are also very interested in their size. It is said that what and how to see depends on the eye of the beholder. Sometimes, even after the sky, various shapes are seen and people become the subject of entertainment, but today we are talking about the shape of the map of India.

Many people see Maa Bharti in this, where Kashmir is the crown of her head, Delhi is her heart, western and eastern India sees her huge arms and her feet in the south. Apart from this, there is another special thing in the shape of the states of India. If you look closely, the geographical sizes of various states of India match those of other countries of the world. As the map of Gujarat resembles Italy, the map of Uttar Pradesh looks like Brazil, while the state of Rajasthan and Thailand look similar. According to this, our country truly looks like a lot of countries are sitting in their own bodies.