What fruit is most healthy? - letsdiskuss
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Hardik Pandya

Student | Posted on | food-cooking

What fruit is most healthy?


student | Posted on

Fruits are the rich nutrients source and our daily diet too. They are a great source of vitamins and minerals. They are rich fiber component. Some of the healthiest foods are-

  1. Orange- An orange contains Vitamin C.
  2. strawberry- They are juicy fruits that contains water.
  3. Apple- Apples are the rich- fiber components.
  4. Pomegranate- It contains contains potassium, fibers, calcium and vitamin C.
  5. Pineapple- It is exotic fruit that contains manganese.
  6. Bananas- It is well known for high content of potassium.


Also Read :- How to make fruit custard at home?


@Student | Posted on

All fruits are healthy in their own way. Let us look at some of the fruits and their benefits-

Berries are one of the fruits which are immensely rich in fiber, berries have a really low-calorie count and are also quite low in fat.

Apple, one of the fruits which can prove to be really helpful during your weight loss.

Orange is the fruit that helps in building a good immunity system.

Guava is something that helps in improving digestion.

Similarly, all fruits are beneficial.Letsdiskuss


@student | Posted on

I think Berries. Be it blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, or blueberries, berries of all kinds are super nutritious and one of my favourite fruit.


Student | Posted on

Every fruit in its peak season is healthy. Different fruits have different vitamins as orange is full of vitamin c and good for immunity. But you should take every fruit in diet unless you are diabetic or heaving other choronic disease.


| Posted on

Melon - Flushes toxins out of the digestive tract

Apricots - Protect the liver from cell damage

Watermelon - Powerful liver cleansing food

Pomegranate - Cleanse’s blood vessels

Apple - Prevent depression and reduce anxiety


| Posted on

There are so many fruits which is healthy in their own way.

1. Apple - one of the most popular and healthy fruit. an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

2. Banana - there are so many benefit of Banana. High in potassium, fibres, vitamin.

3. Avacado - this are the healthy fat and low sugar fruit.

4. Strawberries- strawberries are delicious and high in nutrition.

5. Oranges - richest in vitamin C.
