What happens when a person’s faith transforms into superstitious beliefs? - letsdiskuss
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Ram kumar

Technical executive - Intarvo technologies | Posted on | Astrology

What happens when a person’s faith transforms into superstitious beliefs?


Working with Maruti Suzuki | Posted on

The result of transformation of the faith into superstition is only and only destruction. It’s not god who asks you to starve yourself for him, or to burn your feet by walking barefoot to the temple. What God asks you is to have faith in him. Today, the religious pundits and gurus have put an entirely negative image of God on display. He’s more of a demanding demon than a kind and benevolent God. Religion is a business today which runs on societal superstitions.



Faith makes human life not only easy, but happy and tranquil as well. Faith is what takes a human on the road of simple lifestyle which makes the living easier and free of temptations. All that possesses human heart is worship, without hatred or jealousy for anyone. Remembering God before every endeavor is what we call faith.


Superstition gives birth not to worship of god, but the power of demons. Pouring milk on Shivalinga or offering oil to Shanideva, it’s not your faith, but the practices legitimized by superstition. The same old suggestion of feeding a needy with the milk you offer on Shivalinga, is worth repeating again and again because it is unheard yet.

I know the line between faith and superstition is too thin to be recognizable, but human is a rational being and should not follow any societal practice blindly.


Blogger | Posted on

It is a great idea to have confidence on faithful issues as it float an individual into information ( gnanam) and afterward gradually into the condition of vairagyam (Atma gnanam). This makes one an ideal in profound world. It is beneficial for you just as to the general public.

In the event that confidence changes into odd convictions, it floats an individual to a condition of forces to satisfy wants either to him or to others driving q defeat. The forces acqiured territory like a battery and must be energized else the forces will destroy the individual. We have now a days seeing such babas who were currently behind the bars.

In physical world likewise it tends to be deciphered that in the event that you have confidence on an individual is well and in the event that it goes to the degree of past confidence, unquestionably you will be cheated. Out of sixty years experience, I solidly says.