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abhishek rajput

Net Qualified (A.U.) | Posted on | Health-beauty

What is a panic attack? What are its symptoms?


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A panic attack can be defined as a sudden episode of extreme anxiety, fear or discomfort which arises out of nowhere. It can have a severe impact on both the physical and psychological aspects of a person, typically peaking within a few minutes. The symptoms which manifest during a panic attack range from a high heart rate, breathlessness, pain in their chest, an overwhelming feeling of dizziness, chills, sweat along with quivering, and the feverish sensation of choking or contributing. Moreover, a huge part of the population experience a feeling of impending doom during the panic, as if they are losing grip on reality, and struggle with suffocating sensations paired with numbness in arms, hands, feet alongside a burning desire to not perish. Although panic attacks may feel fatal, they are often not life threatening. The frequent episodes may have a huge impact on the overall well-being and lifestyle of an individual.