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Ashish Kumar

Course structure at British English Academy is specially designed to fulfil the objectives of school/college students, professionals, businessmen, housewives and others. We have the course content that is targeted towards improving all the levels of fluen | Posted on | Education

What is IELTS?


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IELTS stands for “International English Language Testing System.” It is a global English language test that helps assess your speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills in English. This test is mainly for people who want to study, work, or live in another country. The IELTS band score ranges between 0 to 9. When you finish sitting for this exam, then candidates receive their certificates that express your English ability. This helps one apply in various universities and colleges or any jobs in a different country. Over 140 countries accept IELTS.


There are two types of IELTS exams:

  • Academic IELTS: For students who want to pursue higher education abroad.
  • General Training IELTS: For work or migration purposes.