What is rainwater harvesting in India? - letsdiskuss
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Arjun S

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What is rainwater harvesting in India?


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In today's world, the use of water is becoming highly used in the field of home, agriculture and trade. Now, even in most rural areas, the water level has started to decrease under the soil even after excessive borewells are installed and in some places many borewells have also been closed.


In such a situation, we have to think about water conservation, that is water conservation, because water is life. Today, due to the use of water in many large factories not only in rural areas but also in urban areas, water scarcity has started.

Benefits of rainwater harvesting

1. This can be supplemented by other sources such as the supply of water from ground water or municipal water connections.
2. In areas where there is no other source of water, construction or farming can be done.
3. High quality water-pure, chemical free
4. Low cost of water supply
5. Reduces soil erosion by reducing flood velocity

Rainwater harvesting is most appropriate where ...

1. Ground water is low
2. Groundwater is contaminated
3. The land is asymmetrical or mountainous
4. Earthquake or flood related events are common
5. Movement of water with salt to dangerous levels in water
6. Population density decreased
7. Electricity and water prices are increasing
8. Water is too salty or contains more minerals

Rainwater can be used:

1. For drinking, cooking or bathing (filtered quality)
2. To defecate
3. To wash clothes
4. For irrigation
5. For cattle needs