What is the best resource for business loans in Chandigarh? - letsdiskuss
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@letsuser/financialadvisor | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

What is the best resource for business loans in Chandigarh?


@letsuser/financialadvisor | Posted on

NBFCs are one of the best resources for Business loans in Chandigarh. Banks are also there but NBFCs have more flexibility in terms of eligibility and documentation. For instance, if you look at the credit score, banks will not grant you a loan if your credit score is less than 750 but NBFCs may accommodate you at a low of 650, though with a higher interest rate than normal.

Please avoid non-registered money lenders as they will be very sweet at the time of extending a loan, but are known to not only charge a high interest rate but also adopt a more criminal approach to get their dues. Personal acquaintances are a good bet, but do remember, any delay in payment will lead to souring of relationships. So, as mentioned above, NBFCs are the best bet in today’s times.