No specifications though.
Mock tests help you prepare before exams and also sharpen your skills before the Big day. The more you practice the better you become. It’s really hard to find solved mock test for free on online platforms but once you start looking for paying websites there are a lot.
For free mock tests
1.Career Avenues
They will provide you the papers in PDF format you can download and directly interact for answers. Here is the link to their website :-
2. Made Easy
Simply submit your name, Mobile number and other details like your Email ID and there you go. You can submit the answers. This is just my idea that they will be providing you the answers through mail or at the end of the test. Well they will just have their way.
The link is given below
3. GATE - IITG Website
They are themselves providing the certain links for mocks. One thing to follow is these website links are best viewed through Internet Explorer , just in case you have slow internet speed. The link is give below
According to their website, these tests have been designed to actively the students' Gate preparation.
Since there is a CBT these are based on that format only. Providing you the exact need a candidate needs in the examination hall.
1. Test Book
Though they are asking you to pay the amount but they are worth it. From yearly to monthly to- based on the frequencies. They have got all the packages on their website.
And they also have the questions divided stream wise. Here is the link
2. My Gate Practice
According to their website "An exclusive ‘Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering’ (GATE) exam practice website to master in each topic through interactive questions with fun! It’s a one stop place for GATE 2018 aspirants to practice and prepare either by subject or chapter or topic wise to score like never before."
Needn't I say more.
Here is the link:-
Best of luck for your exam.