What is the best time for Yoga ? - letsdiskuss
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Kanika Malhotra

On the path of becoming a professional Life Coach | Posted on | Health-beauty

What is the best time for Yoga ?


homemaker.blogger | Posted on

Yoga is a sequence of exercises and breathing techniques which makes the body healthy and mind disciplined. But the effectiveness of this ancient practice heavily depends upon its timings. In traditional parlance, mornings are considered as the best time to regime with the yoga exercises. It is a good time to start your day as well as to energize your mind, body and soul .But in today’s scenario early morning yoga may not hold true for many people who don’t feel comfortable doing workout in morning or those who sleep late or for the mothers with small kids. Such people prefer to do their yoga sessions in evening as well. Due to different lifestyles and time suitability, people do yoga at the time that works best for them. So how to decide what’s the perfect time for doing yoga? The answer is very simple. Both timings are equally good. Early morning workout or late evening yoga both has different advantages. Whatever the time may be, one important thing to be kept in mind is that any workout or yoga asanas must be performed with an EMPTY STOMACH (bowels). One should completely avoid doing yoga immediately after meals. At least 2-3 hours of break is needed before practising it. So, just because you are not able to do yoga in morning doesn’t mean you should refrain yourself from practising this brilliant form of workout. Whether morning or evening, it should be done with a calm and peaceful mind.



student | Posted on

In morning 6 to 7 am best time for yoga


Content writer | Posted on

Yoga is a spiritual journey as well as a physical exercise that can work in your favour at any time of the day. Whether you do it in the morning ,evening or before going to bed, is a personal choice and according to individual conveniences. The morning is generally the coolest and the silent part of the day when the world around you are slowly rising along with the sun. Starting the day with yoga before 6.00 am can energize and freshen up the whole body and mind.The evening sessions soothe and relax your body after a busy day at work.The perfect evening session should soothe and relax you.Finish off your yoga practice with meditation as this prepare your mind and body for a good night’s sleep.



translator | Posted on

Yoga is a practice for the mind and body.It energizes and at the same time calms the mind from stress and give clarity of thought.So there is never a good time to do yoga ,it’s more important that you practice yoga religiously everyday as both morning and evening asanas offer a lot of benefits.In the morning getting up fresh after sleep the body is ready for twists and bends.Surya Namaskar in the morning gives a lot of strength to the body. Deep breathing exercises are also very beneficial.An evening yoga practice also helps to unwind after a busy day, especially with calming asanas which can give a deep sleep at night.



Student and Blogger | Posted on

I prefer doing Yoga in the morning that too before breakfast, by having only a glass of water. It usually depends upon person to person. But from my point of view you should practice Yoga early morning.


Copywriter | Posted on

I love doing yoga (yin yoga especially) in the evening. It prepares me to sleep and provides good quality sleep. I recommend this type of yoga.


Seo | Posted on

The very best time for yoga practice is early in the morning before the breakfast.