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ankit shukla

merchant navy | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

What is the capital of so and so country and their currency?


Blogger | Posted on

GK [ General Knowledge] is a significant segment in Every Government Exam But it's is Very Difficult to Remember.

On the off chance that u Mug up GK it will be in your psyche only for 1 or 2 Days.When Exam paper goes to your hand Everything v'll be Blank. so , quit robbing up GK I v'll reveal to U Memory Tricks to remember GK Life long.

Companions I Analyzed 100+ past Exam Papers of all Government Exams like upsc , ssc , Railway , Banks..etc. I Picked 30+ Most significant GK Topics that are Repeatedly asking in all Exams

.In My recordings I v'll Explain TRICKS to Remember these 30+ Topics.If U are Perfect with these 30+ Topics 100% Sure 90% Static G.K v'll be Covered.

Rundown of 30+ Most Important G.K Topics

1.Countries Currency and Capital

2. Articles , Amendments , plans

3.National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries

4.Power plants

5.Discoveries and Inventions

6.Bank Taglines and Headquarter

7. National and International Organization Headquarters

8.Dams on Rivers


Seo Executive | Posted on

i am sharing one image with you, these are so and so country and their currency
