What is the difference between latitude and longitude? - letsdiskuss
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What is the difference between latitude and longitude?


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Earth rotates on its axis and latitude and longitude lines have been drawn to find out where any country or city came on it, which is imaginary but quite important. With the help of this, the geographical location and time of any city can be known. These lines have been made keeping in mind the total circulation of the earth. From the longitude line, any country can decide its certified time. If we talk about latitude, then there are many lines, but among them, equinox, eclipse and microscope are the main ones. The equinoctial being in the middle of the earth makes two equal parts of it. The sun remains always on this line, so the heat is more here.


The ecliptic in the upper part of the equinox and the eclipse in the lower part is stable. The longitude and latitude play a very important role in knowing the location of any place. Aeroplanes and water ships can know their position due to these lines, the equinoxes are the most important in Greenwich and latitude. The time of every place is determined by the Green longitude line.